Rona Arato Rona has been a writer and editor for over 25 years. Her work has appeared in magazines and newspapers in Canada and the United States. Rona holds a degree in Elementary Education from U.C.L.A. She has taught elementary school classes in Los Angeles and Toronto, adult Creative Writing for the Toronto District School Board and has conducted business writing workshops for profit and non-profit organizations. As a writer and edictor she has created educational materials for organizations including Mosdos Press in Cleveland, Girl Guides of Canada, and B’nai Brith Canada. From 1994-1998, she was an interviewer for Survivors of the Shoa, a Steven Spielberg project that recorded the histories of Holocaust survivors.
My talks include power point presentations and I encourage questions and input form the audience.
I combine my talk with a PowerPoint presentation. I encourage children to ask questions and participate in the discussion. Most of my topics are historical and I give the background so children understand the context of the story.