Tim Ryan has published stories in The Write Launch, The Prairie Journal, Prometheus Dreaming, Short Editions, Chaleur Magazine, Alberta Views Magazine and the Short Story Dispenser. His story “Scottie” won the 2017 Alberta Views Annual Short Story contest and was a finalist for the 2018 AMPA Fiction award. In 2020, his short story “Karen” was nominated by the Prairie Journal for the 2020 Journey Anthology Prize. In 2022, his story “Chrysalis” was nominated for a Canadian Online Publishing Award. His short stories “The Cabin” and “Persistence” were both published in the anthology Tap, Press, Read published by Loft 112 Press.
Tim’s first novel, East Grand Lake, is published by the University of Calgary Press.
When not writing Tim tries (mostly unsuccessfully) not to annoy his teenage daughter, does the dishes, and tries not to get in people’s way
A presentation/discussion about the inter-relationship between story and discourse. We will look at how structure affects the story with interesting examples and suggestions for further reading.
We will work towards a short-writing by running through a process with a clear goal in mind. The idea will be to have a draft or outline completed by the end of the workshop.