Feminist entrepreneurship, sex and relationships, health and wellness, art, education, travel, and parenting are some topics in my feature stories, profiles and personal essays. The biggest gift of being a writer is meeting so many interesting people in the course of research.
In 2020, I earned a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Non-fiction from the University of King’s College. After a career in human resources, it affirmed my belief that writing was where I needed to devote my energy. I also have a graduate degree in Psychology from Western University. I am currently a board member of CNFC.
My work has been published in: The Globe and Mail, Tablet Magazine, LiisBeth, Corporate Knights, This Magazine, SaltScapes, East Coast Living, Kveller, Next Avenue and many other places.
When I am not writing, I am reading memoirs mostly written by women, cooking up a storm for family dinners, and getting steps in along the Rideau canal (I live in Ottawa). I speak French well enough to get in—and out—of trouble, and understand Hungarian. I’m excellent at Wordle.