THE BLACK WILLOW WEPT, Undaunted Courage and the First Feminist of the New World

Marsha Erb

THE BLACK WILLOW WEPT, Undaunted Courage and the First Feminist of the New World

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              —Undaunted Courage and the First Feminist of the New World

By Marsha Erb

Eighteen-year-old Françoise-Marie Jacquelin arrives in the New World in 1640 expecting a quiet life. Scant weeks after her arrival, she discovers that she has sailed into a dispute between the two warring governors of a divided Acadia, one of them her new husband, Charles de La Tour. She joins his cause and over five challenging years earns her place in history as the heroine of Acadia.  Accepted by her troops as Madame La Commandante, she is also the first woman in North America to command a regiment under cannot fire in one of the bloodiest, but little-known battles, ever fought on Canadian soil. 

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